1. In order to enable people with disabilities to surf the internet in an enjoyable, easy and smooth manner, as much as anyone else, we have invested greatly in building advanced technology that will enable website owners to make their website accessible to people with disabilities and to expose the existing information on the website to an additional important population out of the wish to promote equal rights and transparency.
2. The website is making every effort to provide the general public browsing the website with content that is accessible as possible, regardless of the technology used to build the site. We work to update and implement the accessibility rules as much as possible, in compliance with the principles of the Accessibility Standard, for Regulation 35 of the Equal Rights for People with Disabilities Regulation (Service Accessibility Adaptations) – 2013, so that the website is adapted to the accessibility standards of Level 2 (AA) of the Standard.
3. On this site, it is possible to browse optimally and in an accessible manner using the common browsers. It is recommended to use the following browsers: Edge / Chrome / Firefox / Opera / Safari / Lynx and screen reading software [NVDA / Jaws/ Voiceover].
4. It goes without saying that accessibility is an important focus for Dr. Idan Levy and constitutes a consideration when selecting the medical centers where Dr. Idan Levy offers his services, however the responsibility for making the medical centers accessible rests with the respective medical centers.
5. Building accessibility arrangements
The following are the accessibility arrangements available at the Herzelia Medical Center, located o 6 Ha'choshlim Street, Herzelia – All of the organization's employees who provide service to clients have undergone instruction and training in aspects of providing service to people with disabilities and received tools for providing an accessible service.
The voice response was made accessible in such a manner so that the information is recorded in a clear language and void of background music.
The building has accessible elevators, signage and furniture.
The service team in the complex will assist in the transport and direction of patients to the various clinics.Wheelchairs are available at the entrance to the complex on loan for the visitors of the complex.
Handicapped parking is available for the disabled visitors to the complex (Under the responsibility of the local municipality).
For your convenience the following is a link to the Accessibility Statement of the Herzelia Medical Center:
הצהרת נגישות מדיקל סנטר הרצליה
6. There is an accessibility menu on the website, and the 'User Way' accessibility add-on is embedded, to make the site accessible to people with disabilities.
7. We are committed to make our website accessible to all people, including those with disabilities. On this website you will be able to find the technology best suited for your needs. This website is a usable site for most of the population and with maximum effort. You may find elements that have not been made accessible as of yet because the suitable technology has not been found, and we guarantee that every effort is being made to improve and make it accessible to the highest degree and without compromise.
To open the menu, please click on the icon located at the top part of the website.
To close the menu, please click on the icon again. The following is a description of the options available in the accessibility menu:
Text size – The "Enlarge Text" and "Decrease Text" buttons allow control of the text size in order to facilitate reading.
Colors – The "Grayscale" button removes all the colors on the screen. The "High contrast" and "Inverse Contrast" buttons enable you to change the colors on the screen to make them easier to read. The "Bright Background" button turns the background bright so it doesn't interfere with reading the text.
Links – The "Underline Links" button, adds an underline to each link.
Font type - The "Readable Font" button changes all text on the screen to a more readable font.
Resetting all adjustments – The "Reset" buttons returns the website to its default settings.
Keyboard Navigation Support – Supports quick navigation between areas. The website is divided into areas such as top area or main content area. You can skip over areas by using the skip links located at the top of the page, which allows you to reach the desired content faster.
Support in navigating between links – You can navigate all the links on the page by using the Tab key.
Accessibility of menus – You can navigate using the keyboard or a screen reader easily to also access the sub-menus.
Menu User Guide – The site adaptation button and website tags for assistive devices and technologies for people with disabilities, a button which enables navigation between links on the website using the keyboard.
A button to disable flashing and/or moving elements on the screen; a button to enable a black and white monochrome mode for people with color blindness; a Sepia button (brown shade); a high contrast change button; a black and yellow and color inversion button; a button which clearly highlights all the headline tabs appearing on the website; a button which clearly highlights all the links on the website; a button which displays the alternate description of all the images on the site by moving the mouse; a button which displays a fixed description of all the images on the site.
A button to cancel the use of the readable font; a button to enlarge the fonts on the website; a button to decrease the font on the website; a button to enlarge the display to about 200%; a button to decrease the display to about 70%; a button to enlarge the mouse cursor and changing its color to black; website reading mode button; a button which displays the accessibility statement; a reset accessibility button; a button to send accessibility feedback; a button to change the language of the bar and the accessibility statement accordingly.
The accessibility bar has two types of enlargements for your convenience, however should you wish to enlarge the letters even more, you can use the following keyboard options: The Escape key will open and close the accessibility bar; Ctrl+ key will enlarge the text on the website; Ctrl- will decrease the text on the website; Ctrl 0 will restore the website to its original size.
The 'space' key will lower the site downwards. The F11 key will restore the screen to its full size, an additional click will make it smaller again.
8. Did you encounter a problem? Let us know!
If you encountered any difficulty in browsing the site and viewing its content we apologize, and would appreciate it if you alert our attention to it by sending an email to our accessibility coordinator:
Shvat Taiber at: office@dridanlevy.co.il or by calling: 058-6161525
9.Date of Accessibility Statement update – 14/07/2024.