The test is safe with a low rate of complications. Adverse effects may include a sore throat, gas or a sense of bloating after the examination. If a fine-needle aspiration biopsy is taken(FNA/FNB), on very rare occasions pancreatitis may be caused, which is mostly light to mild, and very rarely severe. Another possible complication may be an infection, mainly when aspirating a cyst, and therefore prior to doing so, instructions to take antibiotics will be given prior to the test, and instructions for continued treatment with antibiotics will be given upon discharge. Very rarely bleeding may occur at the puncture area which in most cases stops spontaneously. In extremely rare cases the bleeding is significant and requires hospitalization.
Rare complications may include damage to teeth or vocal chords, perforation of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum.
Occasionally there may be local pain where the IV was inserted and sedation medications are injected, which subside within a few days.
In addition to complications from the test there could be complications due to sedation such as an allergic reaction to the sedation drugs, respiratory, or irregularities in cardiac activity.